Many funeral directors are looking to find ways to reassure their client families and local communities following the negative news stories surrounding the funeral director in Hull.
Lots of funeral directors have issued written statements on social media to help address concerns, which I recommend you do if you haven't already. There are some additional things you can do to help provide reassurance and build trust - which I have listed below - which you may find useful.
Speak directly to clients Your clients may want reassurance from your business and want to speak to you directly. > Brief your team so they are prepared and know what to say if any clients call who are looking for reassurance. > And if you have email addresses of your clients, contact them directly to provide reassurance of your credentials. Talk about how you care for the deceased, direct them to a section on your website which details how you care for the deceased and your quality standards.
Be visible to your clients and community Whilst many funeral directors have issued written statements on their social media pages, you can do more. > Create a video of you speaking to camera so your clients and community see the whites of your eyes will help you build trust more than a faceless written statement. > Be visible as a person, both online and in real life, to address your clients concerns and provide reassurance.
Talk about your quality and standards Tell your local community about the quality, standards and procedures that are normal business practise in your funeral home. >Talk about the qualifications your team have and share how you continually invest in monitoring performance and training. > Talk about how you invest in high quality equipment and facilities to provide a high standards of care for the deceased. > Explain who NAFD and SAIF are and what membership to these organisations means to families.
Be open and transparent The more open and transparent you are about your business the better. Create an FAQ section on your website and tell people about how your care for the deceased. > Add a “how we care for the deceased” section to your website > Create a video of your mortuary facilities so you can show any clients who would like to see them > Allow clients to visit your mortuary facilities, either on a one-on-one basis, or as part of a seminar to help educate your community about death and funerals
Use client reviews in your marketing Now is the time to share your 5-star client reviews in your marketing and show evidence that you provide an excellent service. > Choose your best and most recent reviews > Take the words and the star rating and create social media posts. Include the date of the review to show it’s recent > Signpost people to your full list of Google Reviews to allow them to read more reviews about your business > Post a client review weekly on your social media to continually reassure and build trust.
Avens Marketing helps funeral directors and funeral celebrants do marketing better. With 13+ years experience in funeral marketing, Debbie Avens, Director, provides specialist marketing support to help you grow your business. Whether you are new to marketing your funeral home, or have been doing it for many years, we can help you increase the visibility of your business locally, engage local families, attract new clients, enhance client experience and increase referrals.