It's that time of the year again! The National Funeral Exhibition is just around the corner, happening on 13-15 June. Whether you're a seasoned attendee or a first-timer, proper planning is key to making the most of your visit and time away from your busy work schedule.
By investing time in planning ahead you'll not only benefit during the event but also post-show, helping you avoid unnecessary follow-up calls by being selective with sharing your information.
Get ahead with our Top 10 Tips for a successful exhibition experience.
PRE-REGISTER to avoid the queues
PLAN AHEADÂ - research the companies attending and look at what they offer
SET OBJECTIVESÂ - know what you want to achieve by attending the event
BOOK APPOINTMENTS - if there are companies you particularly want to talk to, ask to book an appointment with them in advance
GET THE FLOOR PLAN AND PLOT YOUR ROUTE - rather than idly  meandering round the exhibition hall, plan your route in advance to make sure you have time to visit all the key stands that you want to visit.Â
MAKE NOTES - when you visit an exhibition it’s difficult to remember every stand, every seminar, every conversation you have. Making notes will save you time when following up afterwards.Â
TAKE BUSINESS CARDSÂ - take plenty of business cards, but hand them out only to the businesses you are happy to receive a follow up call from.
TAKE A BREAKÂ - visiting an exhibition is tiring, so make sure you take a break, drink plenty of water and get some fresh air.
COLLECT LEAFLETSÂ Â -Â pick up leaflets from interesting companies or ask them to send you information or samples after the show
LOOK OUT FOR SHOW-EXCLUSIVE OFFERS - Many exhibitors put on offers that are available at the show only, or for a limited time afterwards. Take these up if they are for a product or service you were planning on making anyway. Don’t get sucked into show offers for things you don’t need or want.
GET A FREE MINI-MARKETING AUDIT WITH THE FUNERAL MARKETING EXPERTS - On the AVENS MARKETING stand in Hall 1, Stand 36, we’re giving away FREE 1-2-1 Mini-Marketing Audit‘s to a limited number of businesses.  Book today and we’ll come ready prepared with recommendations and quick wins to give your marketing a boost.Â
